

by McAfee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum pretium ligula, eu ornare ligula. Cras eu euismod lorem. Morbi ut neque et metus sodales sollicitudin. Sed quis mi vitae purus bibendum eleifend non consequat nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam tristique ut elit nec laoreet. Curabitur nunc tellus, cursus a arcu non, rhoncus sodales diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut ac orci congue, rhoncus orci a, aliquam velit.
Suspendisse volutpat non nisi ut sagittis. Phasellus scelerisque hendrerit lacus nec luctus. Curabitur quis molestie magna. Nunc vitae pellentesque nisi. Sed mauris velit, congue ac mattis non, vulputate nec velit. Aliquam vel laoreet ex. Maecenas finibus nulla eu pulvinar sodales. Nullam mattis scelerisque nisl, aliquet porttitor nibh lacinia at.

Fusce tellus ante, cursus sed tristique in, dictum et nibh. Morbi semper, lorem sit amet consequat pulvinar, urna nibh pharetra sem, pellentesque ultrices lectus enim ultrices lorem. Aenean non purus vitae elit tempus pharetra ac eget ipsum. Nulla molestie condimentum diam ut bibendum. Praesent blandit mollis augue, in semper metus tincidunt et. Mauris dui erat, gravida non lacus sit amet, scelerisque volutpat libero. Vivamus vitae est vitae dolor rutrum egestas quis vel sem. Suspendisse dignissim tortor vitae magna hendrerit porttitor. Nullam aliquet est nec dui consectetur sollicitudin. Morbi quis mollis dui. Nunc ultrices ornare ultrices. Sed ut turpis in ipsum lobortis pulvinar. Nam aliquet, massa non blandit sollicitudin, erat metus pharetra justo, eget commodo arcu nibh vitae lacus.

Nulla dignissim pharetra mauris, vel auctor sem suscipit ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed auctor ligula at arcu tempus fermentum. Quisque id enim ut ante facilisis lacinia. Aenean condimentum sem sit amet nunc imperdiet dictum eu egestas ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur lobortis orci in ultrices. Sed congue metus ut vestibulum faucibus. Ut tempor placerat lacus ut facilisis. Fusce tristique felis sed eros vestibulum posuere. Nullam rutrum non leo eget dapibus. Morbi vehicula facilisis pharetra. Cras gravida eleifend nulla. Aenean lorem elit, mattis vitae accumsan at, pulvinar sed ante.

Client portal available on the Apple and Google stores:



To integrate Netwealth into myprosperity means streamlining client information into the client portal for transparency, and the most up to date, consolidated data. Once linked, the client portal will import clients’ portfolio information and/or super balances. A read only view of the clients’ holdings, transactions and details will also be displayed. The integration ensures the data is synced regularly to keep the client file accurate with the investment platform.

A one way sync of information from Netwealth to myprosperity means a single source of truth for clients to keep track of their wealth, and advisers avoid double handling of data. Advisers are better informed and equipped to keep their clients safe from potential financial risk with consolidated data into one easy to use platform.

Login to the myprosperity client portal. From the menu, navigate to Configure > Integrations, and select Netwealth. Read the instructions, send the required form to, then go to the setup and follow the prompts. It takes just a few seconds to complete the set up. How do I set up Netwealth Integration?


XPlore Wealth

XPlore Wealth

To integrate Xplore Wealth into myprosperity means streamlining client wealth information into the client portal for transparency, and the most up to date, consolidated data. Once linked, the client portal will import clients’ portfolio information and/or super balances. A read only view of the clients’ holdings, transactions and details will also be displayed. The integration ensures the data is synced regularly to keep the client file accurate with the investment platform.

A one way sync of information from Xplore Wealth to myprosperity means a single source of truth for clients to keep track of their wealth, and advisers avoid double handling of data. Advisers are better informed and equipped to keep their clients safe from potential financial risk with consolidated data into one easy to use platform.

Login to the myprosperity client portal. From the menu, navigate to Configure > Integrations and select Xplore Wealth. Read the instructions and send an email to to request the data feeds to myprosperity. Then go to the setup and follow the prompts, it takes just a few seconds to complete the setup. How do I set up my Xplore Wealth Integration?