Chris Ridd recently sat down with Ron Lesh, Managing Director of BGL to discuss how the financial technology startup has been going in these unusual times. With software sales running out the door, BGL has been in a unique position whereby all staff were assured at the beginning of lockdown that their jobs were secure. This set the tone for things to run smoothly as they transitioned to remote working conditions having already been doing that since 2019.
Remote working conditions was no new concept for the team at BGL. “Working from home was something we began introducing last year. One of the projects we had planned this year was giving more flexibility to work from home.” Ron believes that giving people back that freedom and time to have more flexibility generates untold benefits to a business and it’s working culture. He also believes that Australian’s will return to a state normalcy that’s reminiscent of times before COVID, asserting that “People need to socialise, and the office is as much a social space as it is a work space.”
BGL is an excellent case study of how some technology companies during this time are able to navigate the turbulence with great success due to an unimpacted demand for their product. Now more than ever with people working from home we’re realising the strong value in adopting software like BGL’s.
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