OneSpan Sign

OneSpan Sign

This Integration is automatic once you are signed up to the appropriate subscription plan with myprosperity. Simply add clients and send any document to be signed electronically. The document will be sent securely and efficiently from the portal, removing time delays that conventional postal methods experience.

Clients have the option of signing via their desktop or the free while labeled myprosperity app that is made available to all clients. Signatures can be a quick, Click to Sign, Click to Initial or Capture Signature, which is widely regarded as industry accepted for most legal documents. Validation Certificates can be viewed if necessary to verify that the client has signed the form.

To integrate OneSpan into myprosperity, simply subscribe as a myprosperity Enhance subscription holder or above to use the feature in the portal. It takes no time at all to send a document to a client to sign. Uploading a document for digital signing.